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Category: Gender Equality
Advice to my 21 year-old self
A question asked when you’re not expecting it can yield a more authentic and insightful response than one you have time to consider.
The top 3 reasons why women are revolting
Experienced senior women are leaving companies in droves. If organisations are serious about gender equity in the workplace they need to address the structure and culture of the workplace. The workplace very much remains a man’s world and it’s all the poorer for that.
Why we remain so far from workplace equity
While employers fail to address the key needs and concerns of their female staff, they are losing talented employees. To create a genuinely equitable workplace employers must do more.
Great personal development books that make a difference
The myth, or cult of beauty is determined by societal norms and ideals and so is constantly changing. The gap between the ideal and where women are fuels a lucrative industry and creates a zero sum game.
7 ways to empower your female staff
Gender Equity is taking a long time to achieve. Custom and practice, stereotyping -whether unconscious or intentional create roadblocks to progress. Managers have a key role to play in creating a culture of support and belonging for female staff.