by Anne Wilson | Oct 28, 2024 | Careers Resources, Gender Equality
Application forms can be both frustrating and time-consuming to complete. In fact some universities are now starting to request a CV and cover letter without the requirement to spend hours on an often badly designed online form, which is good news. For those still...
by Anne Wilson | Nov 27, 2023 | Careers Resources
Your application form is the gateway to a potential interview. How you present yourself, your experiences and skills will determine the likelihood of securing an interview – and with luck, a job. As a recruiter I despair at the quality of many application forms I’ve...
by Anne Wilson | Jul 17, 2023 | Career Development
My last post explored how to undertake effective research and preparation for job applications. Here I share advice and tips from Warwick’s female staff who completed the Springboard programme. Contributors have since been progressing in their careers, so a big...
by Anne Wilson | May 22, 2023 | Career Development
Technical skills- how to make, fix or improve things are the baseline of any organisation. You need a mechanic to know how to fix your car. You need a financial expert to calculate company payroll. You need medically trained staff to diagnose and treat illnesses....
by Anne Wilson | Jan 4, 2023 | Career Development
According to Dr Tasha Eurich, Organisational Psychologist, researcher and author of ‘Insight: The power of self awareness in a self-deluded world,’ whilst 95% of people believe they are self-aware, research reveals that this figure is in reality closer to...