by Anne Wilson | Oct 14, 2024 | What do you want from a career?
My favourite part of working as a careers professional is that everything is relevant; every article, conversation, choice and story. So when I came across Pixar’s Emma Coates’ 22 rules for telling great stories – the overlaps with how to make good career...
by Anne Wilson | Sep 30, 2024 | Career Confidence
One of my recent posts highlighted the age discrimination still all too common facing those aged 55+. Many people will want/need to continue to work in some capacity, often beyond statutory retirement. They’re keen to continue to make a contribution and just as...
by Anne Wilson | Feb 14, 2023 | Career Confidence
Why is it that so many people are terrified at the thought of public speaking? According to Glen Croston, PhD, at a fundamental level, ‘when faced with standing up in front of a group….we are afraid of being rejected. The fear is so great because we are...
by Anne Wilson | Dec 5, 2022 | Career Development
Bored with your current job? Not feeling energised or as stretched as you used to be? Wondering whether to take a leap outside your organisation to further you career? Before you make any hasty decisions, it’s worth exploring the concept of the Lattice career....
by Anne Wilson | Oct 11, 2022 | Career Development
You’ve put everything into applying for an internal promotion you really wanted and have just heard you’ve been unsuccessful. How do you react? How you handle rejection will say a lot about you, so it’s worth contemplating how you would respond in case it happens to...