Why we remain so far from workplace equity

Between October 2022 to January 2023, Deloitte Global surveyed 5,000 women in 10 countries to find out more about their experiences in the workplace. The result? A report, Women @ Work 2023: A Global Outlook. The findings are a sobering reminder of the significant...

9 ways employers can address the Gender Pay Gap

There is so much I could write on the topic of gender inequality in the workplace. Here, I explore just a few of the actions employers could take to address the issue. Progress in many organisations, despite the annual Gender Pay Gap reporting requirement, is glacial....

Gender equity: Time for women to be heard

Significant energy has been invested in how women can ‘fix’ their deficits, whether it’s through confidence training, leaning in, developing assertiveness skills or dealing with Imposter Phenomenon. However, change needs to come not by...