by Anne Wilson | Sep 30, 2024 | Career Confidence
One of my recent posts highlighted the age discrimination still all too common facing those aged 55+. Many people will want/need to continue to work in some capacity, often beyond statutory retirement. They’re keen to continue to make a contribution and just as...
by Anne Wilson | Sep 23, 2024 | What do you want from a career?
When do you plan to retire? This may be a pertinent question for some of you- and perhaps too far away for others to contemplate. Nonetheless, it’s an important question for all, regardless of your age. Here I explore a recent example of age discrimination and...
by Anne Wilson | Jun 12, 2023 | Gender Equality
Between October 2022 to January 2023, Deloitte Global surveyed 5,000 women in 10 countries to find out more about their experiences in the workplace. The result? A report, Women @ Work 2023: A Global Outlook. The findings are a sobering reminder of the significant...
by Anne Wilson | May 29, 2023 | Gender Equality
Readers, I have a confession. I have a disproportionate number of personal development books in my collection and find it hard to resist new ones. I recently selected the books I continue to revisit for their insights, advice and ideas. I use the term personal...
by Anne Wilson | May 8, 2023 | Gender Equality
Why aren’t more women in leadership roles and what can be done to address this? I recently came across research which investigated the reasons so few women have achieved leadership roles in 33 of the US’s largest multilateral institutions. Just over 12% of...