Applying for a job is similar to online dating. You are hoping to land the job of your dreams. Investing time to highlight how your skills and experiences are directly relevant will significantly increase your chances of making the shortlist and ultimately a job offer.
Doing less but doing it better + FREE download
There is always more to do than there is time available. However we can manage the time we do have by making better use of ‘to do’ lists.
How to identify jobs where you can make a difference
COVID has led many of us to question to value of the work we do. Life is short. Are we spending it in ways that are fulfilling? What do we want our legacy to be?
The Change Curve and career transformation
The Kubler-Ross Change Curve is a helpful model to explore how we handle career change. Whether the change is through choice or events beyond our control, the model can help us understand our responses and feelings and as a result, improve how we process the change.
6 tips to take the fear out of giving presentations
Giving presentations can be like a scary movie. We fear the elements we can’t control. However we can help control our mind and body by preparing, anticipating problems and visualising success.
Change-makers seek forgiveness, not permission
Organisational change, especially in large organisations, can take time. Formal processes get in the way of innovation and improvements. Sometimes it’s more expedient to simply take action to get things done.