Older workers have much rich life experience and many transferable skills to offer recruiters. However, if you’re struggling to make the shortlist or not receiving job offers, the resources here may help give you the boost you need to succeed.
6 reasons employers benefit by hiring older workers
Older workers are often overlooked in favour of younger applicants. Stereotypes of older workers persist. These are outdated. Companies need to fill vacant posts. Older workers can be the solution, offering valuable life experience and many skills.
Too old to work, too young to retire
We are living longer, healthier lives. This means we can also work for longer- and many want to. However, employers’ attitudes have yet to catch up with the reality of a multi-generational workforce and the Government’s policies aren’t encouraging for pensioners and older workers.
How to make a difference in your career
What do you want from your work? Explore how to identify work that gives you meaning- whatever that means for you.
Why we play games and how to win them
We all play status games, whether or not we’re aware of doing so. The feeling of belonging that status confers is critical to wellbeing. Understanding how status games work can help improve our understanding and how to win.
How to self-sabotage your career development
There are many different ways staff can self-sabotage their career progression. Here are 5 of them.