I was recently a panel member for a webinar on ‘The impact of generative AI on the future of work.’ I wrote about that in a previous post. The panel discussed the different ways AI will impact on us all in some way. Generative AI is moving at warp speed…every few days new and inventive ways to use it emerge….. and it’s important not to get left behind. You don’t want to be the dinosaur who hasn’t dabbled in AI when companies reimagine the workforce of the future. AI will soon feature in most professional level jobs. Are you ready to future-proof your career?

Having researched the topic in preparation for the webinar, two quote that stuck with me were:

Users of Gen AI can be nearly anyone: you won’t need to be a data scientist or machine learning expert to be effective.’ McKinsey

This is reassuring.

And this one:

‘You won’t be replaced by AI. You will be replaced by a person with AI skills. People fluent in Gen AI will be more creative, efficient, effective, and learn faster.’  (The Keenan Institute of private enterprise).

The second quote may also reassure you- as long as you’re becoming familiar with AI. I’m not talking about the need to become a technical expert- simply having a play with what’s currently available.

I have only minimal experience of using AI and I’m not, as any of my team will testify, a tech-savvy user. Quite the opposite. However, my commitment to accept the panel invitation galvanised me into action. Why did I accept? I decided I needed to practice what I preach with the staff and students I work with and followed Richard Branson’s advice: ‘If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!’

I read a number of reports on AI. There were a lot; it’s currently a very hot topic. I also experimented with some applications to try them out and test their capabilities.

How to keep one step ahead

Image of Gen AI helping a customer select clothes online.I had no idea it would be quite so easy to use Generative AI or as much fun. I’ve spent a fair few hours experimenting with prompts, asking Chat GPT to give me ideas for workshops, improve the way I present the skills on my CV or ‘big up’ my LinkedIn profile. I’ve enjoyed creating prompts to generate AI images on DALL-E. (You can now access DALL- E FREE through Bing).

But it has made me aware that not everyone has done this. You may already be highly adept at  using AI . Or you may be wondering what all the fuss is about.

Where to get started- some resources

A good starting point for those of you less familiar with Generative AI  is to take a look at some of the resources I came across when preparing for my AI webinar.

For those of you who haven’t yet experimented but who want to know more and have a play, the following websites are a good starting point.

Generative AI: What Is It, Tools, Models, Applications and Use Cases

Gartner provides a comprehensive overview of generative AI, what it is, its benefits, applications, challenges, and best practices.

9 Resources to Make the Most of Generative AI

This post from WIRED lists some useful Substacks, podcasts, blogs, and websites that cover various aspects of generative AI, such as tutorials, news, opinions, and demos. A few resources have a cost attached- but most are free.

You can join LinkedIn learning free for a month and access the following short courses: (there are many others).

  • What is generative AI?
  • Career Essentials in Generative AI by Microsoft and LinkedIn
  • Getting hands on with Chat GPT 4-Tips and Tricks.
Go and play

So- what are you waiting for? Try out Chat GPT or create AI designs with DALL-E. Canva now has a free AI tool so you can experiment with image generation to enhance your presentations.

Soon you’ll be able to use AI to access a virtual stylist or plan your holiday! Virtual Assistants are already saving admin time for many workers. Personally, I can’t wait for mine!

If you have resources you’ve come across that you’d recommend, do share your tips.

Other related posts:

How to ask CLEAR prompts

Chat GPT: How to ask useful careers questions

How to generate images using AI

Want to define your superpower? Ask Chat GPT

Image generated by DALL- E using prompt: ‘Create a futuristic photo of a Gen AI personal shopper helping a woman choose clothes.’