In my last post, I shared that I’d come to the decision to leave my current job.

Having spent more than 40 years in full time work, it’s finally time to make the leap into self-employment. I’m not someone who makes career decisions lightly. I’ve spent the last 18 years working for the same institution and have been extremely happy there. I’ve been fortunate to work with and learn from great bosses. I’ve made good friends. I’ve enjoyed working with some truly fantastic colleagues, many of whom I’ll stay in touch with. And the students have been a delight.

But now it’s time to focus my time on those activities which give me the greatest payback and which I feel make the greatest difference to the lives of others.

So what will I do next?

In recent years, I’ve become more introspective. More conscious of my own mortality. I described to a friend that I’ve started to look at life through the other end of the telescope- sharpening my focus rather than expanding it. I sometimes think it would be easier to plan your life if you knew when you were going to die. But as I don’t actually want to know that, I plan to act as if my time is not finite. I’ve lost some of my contemporaries shockingly young- and don’t want to leave room for regrets.

So…..drumroll….I will be finishing full time work this summer and focusing on spending my time as follows:

Freelance training

I have so enjoyed delivering the Springboard programme at Warwick that I intend to become a freelance Springboard trainer, enabling me to deliver the programme more widely.

I’m also planning to design bespoke training, focusing on my skills and experiences as a Strengths practitioner and my many years in leadership and management roles.


I’ll continue to write my weekly posts- and who knows, perhaps I’ll have time to write that book.

Career webinars and speaking engagements

Having enjoyed delivering and contributing to a number of webinars for organisations in the past 2-3 years I’ll have more time to create and contribute to these. I may experiment with YouTube and create some video content. I also enjoy speaking opportunities- so I’ll look forward to opportunities to contribute to events.

Career and Strengths Coaching

With my careers and licensed Strengths credentials, I plan to offer occasional 1-1 coaching and Strengths profile feedback.


I’m looking forward to collaborating with colleagues in the careers community and beyond and exploring how some of us might make a difference together.

Life/work balance

I mentioned that I wanted to live a life with  no regrets, so I’m also planning to travel more, to keep fitter and healthier and to see more of my husband, friends and family.  I’m really looking forward to this next stage of my career and life journey.

‘Thank yous’

This is the bit which sounds a bit like an Oscars speech- so I’ll keep it short. My friends, colleagues and LinkedIn connections have given me fantastic encouragement and support.  You’ve all helped me to make this decision and I have benefitted hugely from your time, expertise and wisdom. Thank you. Especially for your lovely messages when I officially shared my news on LinkedIn. Here’s to the next chapter!

I look back and I have no regrets. Everything led me to the place where I am now.

Wendy Whelan