A long-standing advocate of women’s development, in 2019 I sought support to become a licensed Springboard trainer. There is often a lot of discussion around gender equity and what can be done to address it. While there are steps required to address structural inequalities and cultures within institutions, I was keen to take action to empower women to take matters into their own hands.

Springboard participants 2022‘The Springboard Women’s Development Programme is designed for women from all backgrounds, ages and stages of their lives. It allows women to enhance their own skills and abilities, challenge power and equality while building confidence, assertiveness and a positive outlook’.

Gender equality has always been important to me. Women-only groups provide a supportive and safe space for learning. Springboard would both contribute to the University’s strategic objectives. It would help address the gender pay gap. And it would strengthen Warwick’s female talent pipeline.


In 2019, within the wider University, there were no female-only development programmes available to staff in admin roles. I therefore agree to pilot the programme to female staff within the Education division.

Within universities, women are frequently over-represented at the lower pay grades and yet remain under-represented in more senior roles. There are very many highly talented, qualified and capable women working in these roles. However one of the main barriers to developing the female talent pipeline is the self-confidence of female staff. Sometimes the collegiality and familiarity of workspaces means that staff can be reluctant to move to an unfamiliar role or team, even with the support of line managers.

The Springboard programme:

During the 4- day programme which is delivered over 4 months in-person, participants:

  • Develop an understanding of what’s important to them
  • Practice their networking skills
  • Work on their personal brand
  • Are inspired by guest speakers
  • Create plans to achieve goals
  • Practise presenting
  • Apply assertiveness techniques
  • Are supported through a workbook

The programme is interactive with much learning between peers. Participants are assigned to ‘Home’ groups of 6-8. These provide the foundation of support throughout the programme. Participants also work in pairs and trios. Groups frequently stay in touch once the programme ends.

Has the programme achieve its aims at Warwick?
Springboard 2020

Of the 18 participants from the 2020 programme, 12 have secured internal promotions.  3 have left, 2 of these to take up promotional posts elsewhere; a success rate of almost 78%.

Springboard 2021

The programme didn’t run due to COVID and Lockdowns.

Springboard 2022

This year the programme was opened up to include admin staff within Faculties.  It’s too soon to capture the full impact of the 2022 programme which concluded this summer. However, 3 of the 20 participants have already progressed internally. I will continue to track participants’ progress over the next 18 months. A third programme is scheduled for 2023 and already has a waiting list.

What have participants said about the programme?

‘I am pleased to say I have been fortunate enough to break through that FA6 (grade) ceiling whilst on the programme, I honestly don’t think without the encouragement from the group and the independent reflection this would have been possible.’

‘The enjoyment of Springboard spurred me on to sign up for further courses and I have since completed an OD course in line-management and project management, both of which helped with my recent application and for future roles.’

I had felt quite stagnant in my career for many years and on a mission to make up for lost time. What had been lacking, I realise from attending the course, was how to achieve this with any real understanding of what had been holding me back in my career for so long.’

Springboard provides development programmes for staff within organisations and open courses for individuals.

Deeds, not words. Emmeline Pankhurst