The Career CatalystHow to increase your visibility in your university
In the hierarchical world of a university, how can you raise your profile as a member of Professional Services staff?
How to take control of your career this year
How often do you undertake a career health check? This post provides a structure to do just that.
How To Harness Habits To Help With Goal Setting
Does the very thought of setting goals make you feel stressed? Why not consider a much less daunting approach?
How to create goals that will energise and inspire
Inspiration is key when it comes to setting goals. The Wheel of Life is a valuable model to capture goals you’ll want to achieve.
How to set effective New Year resolutions
The key to achieving your New Year resolutions is to know why they’re important to you. Understanding yourself will help you identify meaningful goals.
Why we struggle to achieve New Year resolutions
There are many good reasons why setting and achieving goals is challenging. Here I explore some of them.
How one simple idea has made a significant impact
Sometimes, all it takes is the implementation of one simple idea to find fulfilment not only for yourself but for many others too.
From surviving to thriving in higher education professional services
This week, a guest post from author Rachel Reeds, whose book I would urge you to buy if you work or aspire to work in in Professional Services in HE.
50 ways to be a great manager
This week, following my recent posts on Bad Managers, I thought it was time to focus on what makes a Good Manager. With thanks to Mel Stanley for contributing the suggestions in this post from her recently published and excellent book. And an invitation to share with me examples of good managers you’ve worked for. What did they do that made them stand out?
Top tips on how to perform better in job interviews
Do your personality traits or behaviours impact your chances in job interviews? If so, what can you do about it?
Bad managers: or how to behave like a complete a*se: part 2
This week, part 2 on the theme of bad managers; a topic which has encouraged many submissions! I’ll continue to collect further examples for those of you who would like to share/rant.
Bad managers: or how to behave like a complete a*se part 1
This week, bad managers. People whose behaviour negatively impacts on the staff they manage and the reputation of their employer