About Me
The Career Catalyst
I’m Anne Wilson
Having worked in the field of careers for my entire professional life, largely in leadership roles, I have spent the past 18 years in Higher Education, most recently serving as Head of Careers at the University of Warwick.
My mission is to make a positive difference in the careers of women working in the HE Sector. Many highly capable women in our universities often do not fulfil their potential. I have supported over 100 staff in developing and implementing their career ideas, encouraging them and building their confidence. Additionally, I deliver staff training sessions on various aspects of the recruitment and selection process and related topics.
I deliver ‘Springboard’, the internationally acclaimed women’s development programme. I’ve enjoyed seeing many staff progress in their careers after participating. In 2023, I was awarded an ‘Excellence in Gender Equality Award‘ for ‘Springboard’, which contributed to Gender Pay Gap impact data at the University of Warwick.
I also established ‘Inspiring Women‘, a series of talks for staff by successful women who share their personal stories. The initiative also encourages networking and professional development , and ten years on it remains very popular.
I’m a licensed freelance trainer for ‘Springboard‘.
I deliver staff training sessions on various aspects of career development.
I’m a professionally qualified careers practitioner and coach.
I’m lead trainer for the AGCAS Leadership programme for senior managers of HE Careers Services. In 2024, I was awarded the AGCAS President’s medal for my contributions to leadership training, mentoring staff, and my blog.
As a licensed Strengths practitioner, I work with both academic and professional services teams and senior leaders within Warwick and other universities to help staff unlock their potential. Moreover, supporting people to flourish and harness their capabilities is transformational.
I particularly enjoy public speaking and have contributed to several high-profile events as both a keynote speaker and through webinars.

Above all, I’m motivated by understanding what energises people. I help remove self-limiting beliefs and encourage people to step out of their comfort zone.
As a freelancer, I’m able to focus time and energy on what I do best and where I can leverage most impact. I’m delighted to be able to offer programmes such as Springboard, along with Strengths workshops & profile feedback, 1-1 career coaching and bespoke training programmes and webinars.
I contribute each week to my popular careers blog.

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves. ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?’
Marianne Williamson

I deliver the award-winning personal and professional development programme for women

Strengths Team / Leadership Development
I help leaders and teams to maximise their potential in the workplace.

Bespoke Training
I design and deliver bespoke career-related training workshops or webinars for staff

Career Coaching
I provide 1-1 career coaching to staff on an individual basis and potentially as an add-on to other programmes

Keynote Speaker and Webinars
An experienced speaker, I present on the themes of staff development, careers, gender equity and Strengths