by Anne Wilson | Mar 18, 2024 | Careers Resources
Sometimes reading about a particular subject in one book piques my curiosity. I’m then drawn to read about that subject in more depth. This happened to me recently. At Christmas I was gifted a copy of Julia Bradbury’s book ‘Walk Yourself...
by Anne Wilson | Mar 11, 2024 | Careers Resources
This week, a tongue-in-cheek way to make dull meetings just a touch more bearable. I had forgotten until recently just how much jargon the Higher Education sector is riddled with. It took the dreaded words ‘Professional Services Review’ to unleash the...
by Anne Wilson | Sep 11, 2023 | Careers Resources
How can you get what you need from Chat GPT? I’ve been discovering that there’s an art to producing relevant, useable and information. As the saying goes, ‘garbage in, garbage out.’ If you want to create workable content, it’s all about...
by Anne Wilson | Jul 31, 2023 | Careers Resources
I have always been partial to anything that promised to deliver personal insights or answers to life’s questions. As a teenager it was Astrology (Gemini, if you’re interested) and later Tarot cards and I Ching, the ancient Chinese art of divination. Once I...
by Anne Wilson | Jun 26, 2023 | Careers Resources
Following my recent foray into Chat GPT where I explored how to define your superpowers, in this post I experiment with other prompts that may be helpful to use either yourself, or with job seekers if you’re a careers professional. US-based Professor Heather...