In my previous post I explored how to approach the various different types of interview question. In this follow-up post I look at some of the questions you may want to ask the interview panel and how long you should take to answer a question.

Questions to ask the panel

These are an opportunity to demonstrate your motivation and research.

If you feel you’ve not had an opportunity to convey everything you’d hoped, you might ask:

  • “Is there anything else I can add that would be helpful for you to know about me in relation to the role that I’ve not covered?”  This gives the panel the chance to ask any questions to clarify your skills and experiences or things they’ve thought about during the interview.
  • What learning and development opportunities for the post holder are there?” This question shows you’re keen to learn, not simply to do the job.  Recruiters like people who take responsibility for their personal and professional growth.
  • How do you see the job changing in future?” This question acknowledges that most jobs will evolve. The recruiter’s response will give you an insight into how it might develop. You then have an opportunity to respond enthusiastically to their answer.
  • What would you expect the post holder to have achieved within the first few weeks?” The response you get will give an insight into their expectations. A job specification alone is unlikely to reveal this. It shows you’re thinking your way into the role, imagining yourself delivering it. In turn the panel may be envisaging you performing the role.
  • A question related to the specific sector or organisation if it’s been in the news may be timely and will illustrate your interest.
  • You could ask the panel what they find most fulfilling about working for the organisation. This may give you an  insight into the culture. Is what they say congruent with their marketing?
What not to ask
  • Don’t ask anything you could have found out before the interview
  • Anything that you could have found on the organisation’s webpages.
  • The interview is not the place to discuss any aspect of T’s and C’s. Wait until you are in receipt of a job offer.
  • Nothing that infers criticism of the company, or which asks for information the company is not at liberty to disclose such as “how many candidates are being considered for this role?”

Once on an interview panel I was asked by a candidate, “do staff members get a discount at the gym? And can I attend classes in my lunch hour?” I asked “do you have any questions about the job role?” The candidate said “no.” I expect you can imagine the interview outcome.

How many questions to ask?

Most organisations will interview a number of candidates. Keep your questions to a maximum of three as a courtesy to the panel. You want to leave the panel with a positive impression of you.  Once you’ve asked your questions, thank the panel for their time. Re-state your interest in the post and say you look forward to hearing from them.


Make a note of possible questions before the interview. You can then select the most appropriate ones from your list.

It can be hard to gauge how long to spend answering an interview question. If you’re not sure whether you should provide more information you can ask “would you like me to expand on my answer?”  This is a generalisation but most interviews will have around 8 or so questions and last 30-45 minutes. You can use this to calculate approximately how long you have to respond to each question- taking out a few minutes for intros, and any questions you may have. I would aim for not more than 2 minutes per question.

Lack of clarity

Not all interviewers are skilled at designing questions. If you’re unclear what they are asking, do ask “can you repeat that question please, so I’m clear I’ve understood what you’re looking for?”

Going off-track

If you realised you’ve gone off track- apologies- and say “I’m sorry – I’m not sure I’m giving you what you asked for- can you repeat the question?”

Leave the room on a positive note

At the end of the interview, you may be asked whether you have any questions. Even if you don’t, you might end by saying  “I’m very enthusiastic about this role. It’s a great development opportunity. I think I have the necessary skills, experience and motivation to make an impact.”

N.B. If the panel chair doesn’t state the timeframe or method for notifying you of the outcome it’s reasonable to ask when and how you may expect to hear the outcome.