We all have more power than we realise. Our words, expressions and tone can inadvertently lift or crush others’ hopes and dreams. By being aware of this, we can create an environment where those around us can flourish.
Make the most of your unique qualities
A combination of upbringing and gender stereotyping can impact on how confidently women feel they can present their unique qualities when applying for jobs and/or promotions. Being able to identify and qualify with evidence helps overcome this.
Want to define your Super Power? Ask Chat GPT
Chat GPT: Curse or cure? Can it help with aspects of the job application process, such as identifying your Super Power? And if it can, what will you still need to do?
9 ways employers can address the Gender Pay Gap
The Gender Pay Gap, especially in Higher Education, persists. Unless organisations are willing to address structural and cultural failings, progress will not be made.
How to create a meaningful life in 4,000 weeks
Life is short, and, in the greater scheme of things, cosmically insignificant. Acknowledging this enables you to focus what time you have on those things that are most important to you and to squeeze the juice out of it.
IKIGAI: How to find your career mojo
The Japanese concept of IKIGAI provides a useful model through which to explore career decision making. Often the choices you make don’t take into account each of the 4 dimensions of the IKIGAI model. This may leave you feeling unfulfilled.